Monday, February 27, 2012

Runaway Mom! Somebody grab that chicken!

The Broody Chicken continues to nest.
Once a day she comes out and struts around close to the coop.  She puffs herself up and kind of has herself looking like a dwarfed turkey.
Broody Chicken puffing up.
Broody Chicken

She doesn't stay out long. She grabs dinner, a drink and back in she goes. Yesterday was a beautiful day so she stayed out a little longer.  Just long enough for the other's to pick on her a little bit. Granny chased her and yanked a feather out. PeeWee reprimanded Granny. It was all a circus for a short minute and she retired back to the peace and quiet of the coop and her eggs.
PeeWee & hens in the Kabota
She came out again later and jumped up in the bed of the Kabota. For some reason they love it in there and they usually jump right out if someone gets in.  Well, she didn't and proceeded to take a ride down the road. That was all I needed--for her to get over to the other side of the farm and jump out. She'd never make it back and the eggs wouldn't survive long without her sitting on them.  I headed the driver off at the pass and made her get out, right there on the road and follow me back. Geesh, these babies will be lucky if they make it.  However, the eggs are looking good and she seems to be rolling them like she is supposed to as they are in different positions when I am able to look.  AJ, Belle and Andrew have circled March 2 on the calendar  as our 'due date'.  They will be a batch of mutts but we'll take our chances.  *Oh, please, please, please... (Is there a patron saint for chickens?) let them all be girls, Amen*.
Patiently awaiting a March 2 hatch.

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