Saturday, April 14, 2012

A chick pictorial... enjoy!

At two weeks old, the chicks are venturing out every morning.  They stay close to the coop and to Mama hen, who purposely wanders a little further from them and for a little longer, each time. They still sleep in the nest though, with Mama Hen, but they can jump onto the roosts as seen in the picture above.

Mama Hen taking the chicks to the garden--an important part of their job.
3/17 --15 days old

The chicks find some night crawlers in the garden.  It was a little more than they should handle but it didn't seem to bother them at all.

At 4 weeks old they are getting big and getting to be very camera shy! I can't get very close to them with the camera and you would think they would be used to it.  Mama Hen leaves them alone more and more and they stay close to the coop and a few of the big bushes surrounding the coop.  They now sleep on the roosts with the other hens, but close to Mom.

 At 4 weeks we are also still trying to remain positive about having two females.  However, A.J. noticed the red head even before I did on one of them. We'll keep watching but we may have one of each...

4 weeks

A rare shot of the family of four. PeeWee and his brood.

4 weeks

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